Colon cancer screening saves lives


Colon cancer is the third leading cause of cancer related deaths in both men and women, but it can be prevented with routine screening. The National Cancer Institute estimates that 153,020 people in the United States received a diagnosis of colon or rectal cancer in 2023, with approximately 52,550 deaths.
Mitchell County Hospital Health Systems is promoting colon cancer awareness, emphasizing cancer screening is an important part of routine health care. Screenings and early detection are crucial, as early colon cancers do not produce symptoms. Screening methods consist of stool samples, sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy. During a colonoscopy, any abnormal growths in the colon and rectum can be removed and can also detect cancer at early stages when treatments are successful.
If you are over the age of 45 or have a family history of cancer, regular screening is key to preventing this disease. Many health plans cover this preventive service. You have enough to worry about. Don’t add colorectal cancer to the list. Prioritize your health by calling your physician today to schedule your colon screening.