Keep Youth Engaged During Summer Months


“Chasing Clovers”
By Patsy L. Maddy
Twin Creeks Extension District
4-H Youth Development Agent

  • Group of happy youth at summer camp

As the summer months approach, it's crucial to ensure that young people have opportunities to stay engaged, productive, and mentally stimulated during their break from school. Idle summers can lead to boredom and regression in learning, but with the right strategies, we can create an environment that fosters growth, learning, and fun for our youth.

Enroll in Summer Camps and Programs: According to a study published in the Journal of Youth and Adolescence, participation in structured summer programs is associated with positive youth development outcomes, including improved academic achievement, increased self-confidence, and enhanced social skills. These activities provide opportunities allowing youth to explore new interests, make friends, and engage in skill development and personal growth. Check out all of the summer activities offered by Twin Creeks Extension District at

Encourage Reading and Learning: A study published in the Journal of Educational Research found that participation in summer reading programs led to increased reading achievement and prevented summer learning loss. Summer is an excellent time for young people to cultivate a love for reading and continue learning outside the classroom. Most local libraries organize reading challenges that will prevent academic regression and foster intellectual growth. Contact your local library to participate in fun experiences throughout the summer.

Volunteer and Community Service: Research conducted by the Corporation for National and Community Service indicates that youth who engage in volunteering have improved academic outcomes, higher self-esteem, and a greater sense of social responsibility. Volunteering not only provides a sense of purpose, but also enhances leadership skills and promotes a strong sense of community. Encourage your youth to volunteer at the local theatre, animal shelter, community garden project, nursing homes and local community beautification projects. Contact your local Chamber of Commerce for contact information to get involved.

Pursue Creative and Artistic Endeavors: A study published in the Journal of Youth and Adolescence found that participation in visual arts activities positively correlated with increased self-esteem and well-being among adolescents. Engaging in creative endeavors promotes self-expression, boosts confidence, and nurtures imagination, which are essential for personal and intellectual growth. Encourage youth to try new activities like painting, drawing, writing, photography or playing a musical instrument. Contact your local arts council or recreation center to learn about available opportunities.

Embrace Outdoor Activities: A study published in the American Journal of Play suggests that outdoor play and exploration contribute to the development of creativity, problem-solving skills, and social competence in children. Other research highlights improved physical health, enhanced mental well-being, reduced stress levels, and increased cognitive function as outdoor activity benefits. Restrict summer screen time encouraging outdoor activities for the entire family including hiking, biking, swimming, camping or summer outdoor sports to name a few. Contact your local recreation center or spend family time with evening walks and weekend outdoor hikes, etc.

The summer months offer a valuable opportunity for youth to explore their interests, learn new skills, and grow as individuals. Young people can make the most of their break from school by enrolling in summer camps, encouraging reading and learning, participating in volunteer work, pursuing creative endeavors, and embracing outdoor activities. Twin Creeks Extension District offers a wide variety of youth summer programs found at We strive to create an environment that fosters growth and empowers our youth to thrive during the summer months and beyond. Contact Patsy L. Maddy, 4-H Youth Development Agent @ or 785-877-5755 to learn more about opportunities for your youth. Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service. K-State Research and Extension is an equal opportunity provider and employer.